In fact, Twitter is so popular that there are now dozens of stats that brands and businesses need to know in order to be successful on the platform. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 31 Twitter stats that you need to know in 2023.

Key Twitter Statistics in 2023

1. An estimated 200 billion tweets are published each year.

(Source: Hootsuite) Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms. With an estimated 200 billion tweets being published each year, it’s a great way to connect with friends, family, and followers.  The platform is simple to use: all you need is a Twitter account and you’re good to go. You can post photos, videos, and text updates (called “tweets”). Tweets can be up to 280 characters long. You can also “follow” other users to see their updates in your feed.

2. Twitter is ranked 16th on the top Social Platforms list in 2023.

(Source: Backlinko) Twitter is a social media platform that is used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to communicate with the public. As of 2021, Twitter is ranked 16th on the top social media platforms list. This is due to its high active user base, with 67% of users returning daily. Additionally, brands are seeing higher engagement on Twitter than any other social media platform.

3. There are 217 million active users on Twitter every day.

(Source: Variety) According to a recent study, the number of people who use Twitter on a daily basis has increased to 217 million users. That’s a lot of people tweeting and following other users! With its simple, easy-to-use interface, Twitter is perfect for anyone looking to share quick thoughts and links with the world.  And with the introduction of Twitter threads, you can now share longer thoughts and ideas too. So whatever your reason for using Twitter, you’re sure to find like-minded people and great content.

4. In the US, 52% of Twitter users use the platform on a daily basis.

(Source: Statista) A recent study found that 52% of American Twitter users use the platform on a daily basis and 84% of Twitter users say they visit the platform at least once a week. Lastly, 96% of people are using Twitter on a monthly basis. That’s a lot of people! So, if you’re not using Twitter for your business, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach your target market.

5. More than 1 out of every 5 tweets includes an emoji.

(Source: Digital Information World) Did you know that more than 1 out of every 5 tweets includes an emoji? In fact, the use of emojis on Twitter has increased by 6X over the past two years. But why do we use emojis in messages?  Emojis are small images that allow you to express yourself in a visual way on social media. They’re used to convey emotions and can help improve the clarity and understanding of your messages.

6. In 2020, the average monthly time spent on Twitter by Android users was 5.6 hours.

(Source: Business of Apps) The average monthly time spent in 2020 on Twitter by Android users was 5.6 hours. This was a 1% increase from the previous year. 80% of Twitter users are on mobile, and the time spent on the app continues to grow. What does this mean for brands?  That Twitter should be a key part of your social media marketing strategy. The platform provides an immediacy that other channels can’t match, and its user base is loyal and engaged. Use Twitter to share news, updates, and original content with your audience, and make sure your tweets are optimized for mobile devices.

7. 42% of Twitter users in the US are between the ages of 18-29 years.

(Source: Statista) According to the study, 42% of American Twitter users are between the ages of 18-29 years. This means that almost 4 in 10 Twitter users are young adults. This is a significant portion of the Twitter user base, making it an important platform for marketing to millennials.  Additionally, 27% of Twitter users are between the ages of 30-49 years, so reaching out to this demographic is also important. Also, 18% of people ages between 50-64 use Twitter and the remaining 7% of Twitter users are 65 years or older, so brands should consider tailoring their content accordingly.

8. According to the findings, 59% of people who log into Twitter do so in order to catch up on the news.

(Source: Pew Research Center) According to the Pew Research Center, 59% of people who log into the platform do so to catch up on the news. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as Twitter is one of the most efficient ways to get a quick overview of what’s happening in the world. Whether you’re following your favourite news outlets or just scanning through the tweets of your friends, Twitter is a great way to stay up-to-date on current events.

9. Over 500 million tweets on Twitter are sent every day.

(Source: Brandwatch) Did you know? Twitter sees more than 500 million tweets sent every day. In addition, Twitter has over 330 million monthly active users who send an average of about 6000 tweets every second. So what’s the big deal? For starters, Twitter is a great way to keep up with the latest news and trends. It’s also a great way to connect with friends and family, and to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. And if you’re looking for a way to promote your business, Twitter is a great place to start.

10. The first tweet was from Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006.

(Source: Encyclopedia Britannica) Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass. The first tweet was sent by Jack Dorsey and it read, “just setting up my twttr.” The platform has come a long way since its early days and is now ranked 16th on the top Social Platforms list in 2023. With over 200 million active users, Twitter is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike.

Twitter User Stats

11. Germany’s Twitter audience has grown by 30% so far in 2020.

(Source: ACM Digital Library) According to a study, the Twitter audience in Germany has grown by 30% in the first two months of 2020. This is in comparison to the same period last year. The study found that the increase was largely due to an increase in the number of users over the age of 50.  In addition, the use of Twitter for news and information increased by 9%. This is unsurprising given the current global pandemic and its impact on everyday life. It will be interesting to see if these trends continue as the year progresses.

12. Study shows that 42% of adults are using Twitter in Canada.

(Source: Twesocial) A recent study showed that as of December 2021, 42% of adults in Canada are using Twitter. This is a fairly large number, and it’s likely that this percentage has only grown since then. Twitter is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, as well as to keep up with the news and current events. It’s also a great platform for businesses to connect with their customers and to share news about their products and services. If you’re not already using Twitter, we recommend giving it a try. You may be surprised at how useful it can be!

13. 46% of Twitter users say that the platform has helped them better understand global events.

(Source: Hootsuite) According to the data of Hootsuite, 46% of users say that Twitter has helped them better understand global events. And it’s not just events in other parts of the world that people are following on Twitter in the U.S., the platform is used to track everything from the weather to the stock market to the latest entertainment gossip. Twitter has also become a powerful tool for brands and businesses. Nearly half of all Twitter users follow brands, and 78% of people who follow brands on Twitter say they’re more likely to buy from those brands. So whether you’re looking to better understand what’s going on in the world or you’re looking to increase your business’s reach, Twitter is a platform worth exploring.

14. A recent study shows, more than 56% of Twitter users are men.

(Source: Statista) Twitter is a social media platform where users can post short, 280-character messages called tweets. While it’s popular among all genders, recent data shows that men are more likely to use Twitter than women.  In fact, more than 56% of Twitter users are men whereas 43.6% of users are women. This may be because Twitter is often seen as a more informal platform where people can share news and opinions quickly and easily. It’s also a great way to connect with other people who share your interests.

15. 47% of Twitter users in the United States prefer culturally appropriate brands.

(Source: Neal Schaffer) A recent study shows that 47% of Twitter users in the United States who use the platform prefer culturally appropriate brands. Additionally, the study found that 90% of users believe that brands should be culturally relevant when marketing to minority groups. What does this mean for businesses?  It’s more important than ever to ensure that your brand is resonating with minority groups and that your marketing efforts are culturally relevant. Trying to appeal to every customer can be a difficult task, and it’s often easier (and more effective) to target specific audiences. So, if your business isn’t already targeting minority groups, it’s time to start.

16. 80% of Twitter accounts are used by mobile phones.

(Source: Statista) Around 80% of Twitter users access the platform through their mobile phones, which is a much higher percentage than other social media platforms. Mobile users are more active on Twitter, with around 55% of users making a tweet each day.  This makes it a great platform for businesses to reach out to potential customers. Additionally, Twitter allows businesses to target their ads to users based on their interests, which makes it a very lucrative advertising platform.

17. It is estimated that 48 million of Twitter’s accounts are actually bots.

(Source: CNBC) It’s no secret that Twitter has its share of fake accounts. In fact, it’s been estimated that as many as 48 million Twitter accounts are actually bots instead of people. That’s a huge number, and it’s only growing. The reason so many bots are on Twitter is that it’s easy to create them and they can be used for a variety of purposes. For businesses, bots can be used to automate tasks or to generate leads. For individuals, bots can be used for things like managing multiple accounts or automatically following/unfollowing people. While bots can be helpful, it’s important to be aware of the fact that not all of them are honest. So if you’re ever unsure about an account, it’s best to err on the side of caution and not interact with it.

Twitter Marketing Stats

18. 66% of companies with 100 or more employees in the U.S. use Twitter for marketing purposes.

(Source: Neal Schaffer) Twitter is a social media platform that can be used for marketing purposes by businesses of all sizes. A recent study found that 66% of companies with 100 or more employees in the U.S. use Twitter for marketing purposes.  Additionally, 43% of small businesses in the US use Twitter for marketing, which is up from 36% in 2020. Why do so many businesses use Twitter for marketing? There are a number of reasons: Twitter is a great way to reach a large audience with your message, it’s easy to use, and it’s a cost-effective way to market your business.

19. 77% of Twitter users report feeling more positive about a brand when they receive a reply to their tweet.

(Source: Brandwatch) A recent study found that 77% of Twitter users report feeling more positive about a brand when they receive a reply to their tweet. In other words, brands that take the time to engage with their customers on Twitter are more likely to see a positive reaction from them.  This is likely due to the fact that Twitter provides a personal and direct way for customers to communicate with brands. Rather than sending an email or making a phone call, customers can tweet at a brand and get a response almost immediately. This instantaneous interaction can create a feeling of connection and engagement between customer and brand.

20. 80% of Twitter users have spoken about brands in their tweets.

(Source: Twitter) Did you know that 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a brand in a tweet? That’s a lot of potential customers talking about your products and services! Not only is Twitter a great platform for customer service and engaging with your followers, but it’s also a great way to connect with potential customers and promote your brand. So how can you make the most of Twitter for your business?  Start by creating interesting, engaging content that followers will want to share. Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date, and use Twitter’s targeting features to reach the right audience. And don’t forget to respond to tweets both positive and negative quickly and courteously. By using these tips, you can create a successful Twitter strategy for your business.

21. A recent study found that people spend 26% more time viewing ads on Twitter than they do on any other social platform.

(Source: Twitter) A recent study by Twitter found that people spend 26% more time viewing ads on Twitter than they do on any other social platform.  Additionally, the study showed that Twitter has a much higher reach than other social media platforms, with 78% of users reporting that they saw an ad on the site in the last month. These findings make Twitter a powerful tool for brands looking to reach a large audience with their advertising messages.

22. 40% of Twitter users claimed to have bought something after seeing it on Twitter.

(Source: Twitter) A study by Twitter found that 40% of Twitter users have purchased something after seeing it on the platform. The study also found that 78% of people who follow brands on Twitter are more likely to purchase from those brands.  These numbers underscore the power of Twitter as a marketing tool. When used effectively, Twitter can help you reach a large number of potential customers and drive sales.

23. The study revealed that 72% of marketers in the US are confident about their ability to create videos that drive views and engagement on Twitter.

(Source: Tweepsmap) A recent study found that 72% of marketers in the US are confident about their ability to create videos that drive views and engagement on Twitter. This is a jump from the previous year, where only 58% of respondents felt this way. What’s behind this growth?  It could be that Twitter is focusing on video more and more, as evidenced by their recent updates to the platform. Videos now autoplay in people’s timelines, and Twitter has been ramping up its advertising efforts around video. Marketers are taking note and experimenting with video content on Twitter and seeing success.

24. Research shows companies that use Twitter to handle customer service issues see a 19% increase in customer satisfaction.

(Source: Forbes) A study by Forbes found that companies who use Twitter to handle customer service issues see a 19% increase in customer satisfaction. That’s because Twitter allows customers to reach out and get help in a more public way. They’re not limited to just email or a phone call; they can share their thoughts and experiences with other people on Twitter.  This makes the entire process feel more transparent, and customers appreciate the chance to be vocal about what they like and don’t like. It also gives the company a chance to learn from customer feedback and improve its customer service strategy.

Twitter Business Statistics

25. Of the top 100 companies, 77% of them are on Twitter.

(Source: e-Zest) The world’s most powerful companies use Twitter. Out of the top 100 companies in the world, 77% of them have a Twitter account. What’s more, these businesses aren’t just tweeting about their products and services. They’re using Twitter to engage with their customers and followers.  In fact, 63% of the top 100 companies respond to users who reach out to them on Twitter. So if you’re looking for a way to connect with some of the biggest businesses in the world, Twitter is your best bet.

26. Around 70% of small businesses have a Twitter account.

(Source: Rival IQ) A recent study shows that around 70% of small businesses have a Twitter account. However, only about 30% of them are actually using it to generate leads. What’s the reason for such a large discrepancy? Likely, it has to do with a misunderstanding of how Twitter works and what it can do for businesses.  Twitter isn’t just a platform for broadcasting your latest sale or promotional offer. It’s a place where you can build relationships with customers and followers, and create a community around your brand. When used correctly, Twitter can be an incredibly powerful tool for marketing and growing your business.

27. 16% of internet users aged 16-64 research brands on Twitter.

(Source: Hootsuite) The data of Hootsuite shows that 16% of internet users aged 16-64 research brands on Twitter. Twitter is a valuable resource for brands who want to connect with potential customers and understand what people are saying about their products. It’s also a great way to get feedback and learn what people like and don’t like about your brand. If you’re not already using Twitter, it’s worth considering.

28. Twitter generated revenues of more than 3.7 billion dollars in 2020.

(Source: Statista) Twitter is a social media and messaging platform that has been around since 2006. It is a website and mobile app where users can post short messages (up to 280 characters), called tweets, and follow other users.  The platform has more than 330 million monthly active users and generated over 3.7 billion dollars in revenue in 2020. The company plans to grow its revenue by expanding its advertising products and increasing its user base in international markets.

29. Tweets that include images receive 89% more likes, on average.

(Source: WordStream) Another statistic shows that Tweets with images receive 89% more likes, on average than those without images. In fact, tweets with images are 150% more likely to be retweeted than tweets without images.  So if you’re looking to get more engagement for your tweets – including images is the way to go! As with all things social media, however, it’s important to make sure that your images are high-quality and relevant to your audience.

30. Users of Twitter are 120% more likely to contact brands directly.

(Source: Adweek) Twitter users are more likely to contact brands directly. In fact, Twitter users are 120% more likely to contact brands than those who don’t use Twitter. For businesses, this presents an incredible opportunity to engage with customers and create a two-way dialogue.  Not only can you use Twitter to share news and updates about your company, but you can also use it to listen to what customers are saying and respond in real-time. This helps build customer loyalty and create evangelists for your brand.

31. A recent survey found that 59% of B2B companies use Twitter for digital marketing.

(Source: Twitter) A recent study found that an impressive 59% of B2B companies are now using Twitter for digital marketing. This is a significant increase from the previous year when only 36% of companies reported using the platform. What’s behind this trend? Twitter is a great way to reach out to potential customers, build relationships and learn more about what makes them tick.  It’s also a powerful tool for customer service and troubleshooting. Additionally, Twitter offers great opportunities for content marketing, including the sharing of visuals, infographics and articles. As Twitter continues to grow in popularity, it’s becoming an increasingly essential tool for businesses of all sizes. 


Twitter is a powerful social media platform that can be used to connect with millions of people around the world. In order to be successful on Twitter, it’s important to understand the statistics behind the platform. These 31 Twitter stats will help you to understand how people use Twitter, how to increase your Twitter followers, and how to increase your business volume on this platform.  If you like the article then do share it with your friends and family so that they can also know the latest facts and stats of Twitter.


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