COVID-19 is the specific name of the coronavirus that broke out in a city called Wuhan in China in late 2019. It is important to also note that China’s 5G service providers launched the country’s nationwide 5G network in November 2019. So, it is easy for some to attempt to link the outbreak of COVID-19 to the deployment of 5G networks in China.

Is Coronavirus Caused By 5G Radio Waves?

The argument that 5G radio frequencies are harmful and are behind the coronavirus outbreak flies in the face of available facts. One, the World Health Organisation and other concerned bodies have all carried out studies that have shown no conclusive evidence that radiation from 5G networks (and indeed any mobile/cell phone networks) cause any damage to the human body. There are concerns, but there has been no scientific evidence. Two, all available knowledge of physics and electromagnetic waves say that 5G radio waves are safe. I have dealt with this extensively in another article titled, How Dangerous Is 5G Radiation? In this article, we shall stick to the subject of whether 5G is what causes Coronavirus. Three, some 5G networks run on frequencies that have been used in human communications already for years before now. While it is true that a city-wide 5G network was established in Wuhan, China. But is it true that coronavirus is caused by 5G? Specifically, China’s 5G networks use some of the same sub-6 GHz frequencies that existing 4G networks have used for years. Those 4G networks did not cause COVID-19 back then. Same radio frequencies. Cities across Europe, Asia, and North America have had active 5G networks for a while now. In Switzerland, Swisscom deployed the first large-scale commercial 5G network in Europe in April 2019. By June 2019, South Korea already had over a million 5G subscribers, yet has a low rate of coronavirus breakout. In the United States of America, mobile carriers like AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon have active 5G networks in over 100 cities already. If 5G were responsible for causing COVID-19, as the speaker and others claim, those cities should be experiencing a horribly high number of COVID-19 cases compared to cities where 5G is not present, but that is not the case. Meanwhile, a country like Iran that has no 5G networks, is reeling badly under the novel coronavirus outbreak. As a matter of fact, 5G connectivity helped China fight againt coronavirus in Wuhan. A 5G network was built into the Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, a 1,000-bed emergency field hospital built from scratch in just 10 days from January to february 2020 and devoted to treating COVID-19 patients. The installed 5G network powers the hospital’s teleconsulting, among other essential services. China has successfully stemmed the tide of COVID-19 without switching off their 5G networks. If 5G were behind the virus, the first thing they would do would be to switch their 5G networks off, not equip a COVID-19 hospital with 5G technology.

What Is Coronavirus?

Coronavirues are a family of viruses that cause respiratory diseases and have been around for as far back as 1965. COVID-19 is the youngest known member of the coronavirus family. Others include Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which broke out in 2002, and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which was first reported in 2012. So, strictly speaking, COVID-19, the coronavirus we are dealing with now globally, is only one of a family. Coronaviruses are named “corona” because their membranes are studded by spike-like proteins that give them the appearance of a crown. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that is contagious via entry into the human body through openings in the mouth, eyes, and nose. Which is why you are advised to not touch your face without washing your hands thouroughly with soap and water. Electromagnetic waves do not create or spread viruses. Let me say that again: electromagnetic radiation (which is what 5G is) does not create or spread viruses. Plus, viruses are spread through person-to-person contact, as we see in the case of COVID-19. The summary of the whole matter is that there is absolutely no connection between 5G and Coronavirus. None. Zilch.

Is COVID-19 Coronavirus Airborne?

The World Health organisation says that COVID-19 is not airborne but travels via droplets. Someone talking to you in close quarters can pass on droplets to you. Someone singing, sneezing, or coughing close enough to you can pass coronavirus-infected droplets to you as well, which is why you are advised to keep a distance of at least 1 metre away from others. The farther you can keep away from others, the better actually.

Is There A Cure For Coronavirus?

There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and there is no proven cure yet. Trial medication already exist and are being tested, but until official announcements are made, for now, COVID-19 has no cure. You must do your best to prevent catching it.

Is COVID-19 A Death Sentence?

Far from it, the COVID-19 coronavirus is not a death sentence. Most people who catch it recover from it,. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have recovered from it. The human body has an amazing self-defence mechanism and it has proven mostly resilient against COVID-19. Unfortunately, the virus has led to the death of several people as well. One huge danger is that because this is a highly contagious disease, a lot of people get infected at the same time and overwhelm medical facilities. The other big danger is that people with pre-existing medical conditions are often unable to fight the virus off, leading to their death. You are best off preventing the spread of the disease. We all are.

How To Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 Coronavirus

Thankfully, the preventive measures are basic, though you have to carry them out religiously. Here are the key ways to protect yourself from coronavirus infection:

If you were worried about 5G radio waves giving you the COVID-19 coronavirus, you can calm your nerves now and relax. This conspiracy theory has no merit. I ran a Google search and found that this particular conspiracy theory has a small but vocal following. We have answered the question, Is coronavirus caused by 5G radio waves? The answer is a big no. It isn’t. Many people who have contracted the virus in hundreds of countries around the world have never been around a 5G tower in their life. The COVID-19 os a respiratory disease caused by a virus and you can protect yourself not by running away from 5G technology but by practicing safe health habits like washing your hands and keeping some physical distance from people. Update: The 5G/coronavirus conspiracy theories have taken a religious turn, with a number of pastors and preachers now propagating the idea that 5G deployment is part of a new world order that will supposedly see the emergence of the Anti-Christ. I listened to an audio by one Pastor Jonathan, another Pastor Kunle, and also watched a video in which Pastor Chris Oyakhilome spins his version of the yarn. There is another video by one Apostle Suleiman. Some of these men argue that Coronavirus is a being used as a distraction from an agenda to force 5G on people. We have heard similar things when new technology was developed in the past. All of those who spun conspiracy theories about those technologies back then are using those same technologies today without any scrupples. It is sad and disappointing to see Christian leaders continue to push these narratives that do not help anyone, but rather cause more damage than good. Each time this happens, it feels like the Dark Ages all over again.

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Is Coronavirus Caused By 5G  A Definitive Guide To COVID 19 - 77Is Coronavirus Caused By 5G  A Definitive Guide To COVID 19 - 79Is Coronavirus Caused By 5G  A Definitive Guide To COVID 19 - 95Is Coronavirus Caused By 5G  A Definitive Guide To COVID 19 - 42